Frequently asked questions are listed questions and answers.
For NYO Applicants
How old do I need to be to apply for NYO?
Applicants must be between the ages of 15-25 years by the end of the calendar year.
What are the term/annual costs for orchestra members?
NYO is a training orchestra and therefore requires members to pay a term fee of $200 or alternatively a discounted annual fee of $700.
I'd like to audition please! How do I apply?
Please send your details to sally@nyo.com.au and we will arrange a time for you to audition.
When and where are rehearsals for NYO?
During the NSW school term, every Saturday from 10am-1pm at the Junction Public School. You'll be wanting the school holidays to finish!
What financial assistance might be available to me should I be considered for a chair in the orchestra?
Various full and part scholarships are made available by supporters and sponsors of NYO. Applications for scholarship are also made available at the time of audition.
For NYO KIDS Applicants
How old do I need to be to apply for NYO Kids?
Applicants must be between the ages of 10-16 years by the end of the calendar year.
What are the costs for applying for NYO Kids?
As there is no audition required for NYO Kids and is based upon application only, there is no fee charged to apply.
When and where are rehearsals for NYO Kids?
During the NSW school term, every Saturday from 10am-12pm at the Junction Public School. You'll be wanting the school holidays to finish!
What are the term/annual costs for orchestra members?
NYO Kids is a training childrens orchestra and therefore requires members to pay a term fee of $180 or alternatively a discounted annual fee of $650.
I'd like to apply please! Do I need to audition?
There is NO audition required for NYO Kids. For specific dates and details, join our facebook page or mailing list from the home page of our website.
What financial assistance might be available to me should I be considered for a chair in the orchestra?
Various full and part scholarships are made available by supporters and sponsors of NYO. Applications for scholarship are also made available at the time of application.
For Sponsors & Supporters
I'd like to make a one-off donation in support of NYO. Can I do this online?
One off donations are absolutely welcomed! There are many ways you can do this, but the easiest way is to visit our Give Now Website. Be sure to get in contact with us so that we can give you our greatest of thanks!
I am an employee of a company who might be interested in assisting NYO with its financial costs. How can I make this happen?
NYO has full DGR Status and is registered with the ATO and ACNC, and so donations and corporate sponsorship is absolutely welcomed!
Please contact our General Manager, Laura Dawson via the Visit Us page for the low down on how you and your company might support NYO!
What corporate sponsorship packages are available?
We have a 'tiered' system of sponsorships available for corporate support. We are always seeking the strong support of community business for ongoing support. Laura Dawson, General Manager is eagerly awaiting your call. Please get in touch! We are an excellent, well-structured and successful organisation... and a lot of fun to be part of!
What does it mean to 'sponsor a chair'?
This would mean that a sponsor would pay the full fees for the year that a student of the orchestra, who in particular may not be in the position to, would usually pay for themselves. The current annual fee schedule to sponsor a chair at NYO is $700.
For the General Public
How many concerts do NYO perform each year?
NYO perform up to four public concerts every year, each coinciding with the end of each NSW school term. The concert dates are set as early as October the year preceding, so as to not coincide with supporting community music concerts.
Additionally to this, NYO produce regular chamber music concerts at the Newcastle Museum.
NYO Kids perform at events and festivals in the region throughout the year.
Where is NYO's rehearsal space?
We rehearse in a public space at the Newcastle Conservatorium. You are welcome to join us for a little or a lot of the rehearsal. Children are welcome to also sit in to see how an orchestra rehearses for their big events!